Carbon dioxide reanalysis model

A visualization of Copernicus Atmosphere and Monitoring Service CO2 reanalysis model Explore the map

Education access

Children stay longer in school compared to 30 years ago Explore the map

Winter landscape

A winter basemap in 3D Live demo

Zurich Spring Festival

Experiments with 3D bars. Live demo

3D labels

Experiments with 3D labels. Live demo

Kisaralik river terrain

Displaying a terrain landscape for Kisaralik river. Live demo

Malta in contour lines

Displaying Malta's elevation only using contour lines (and fancy water rendering and some palm trees). Live demo

Ridgeline mountains

The Swiss mountains in a 3D ridgeline graph. Also called a joy plot. See Live demo.

San Francisco buildings

A building exploration application using client-side filters and different renderers. See Live demo.

Low poly Switzerland

Live demo. A low poly terrain of Switzerland. A simple one.

Ridgecrest earthquake

A local view of the Ridgecrest earthquake in July 2019 Live demo. Original application by Yann Cabon.

A classical earthquakes visualization

A classical approach to visualizing the earthquakes in the last 30 days. Live demo.

Zurich Hills

An app that maps the hills around zurich in contour lines. Live demo.

Rock the house

Had some fun with the Web Audio API and a BIM model...with some CSS sorcery the building starts glowing based on the microphone input stream. Have fun with the live demo.

Earthquakes depth

A visualization of earthquakes with exaggerated depth Live demo.


Displays earthquakes between 2008 and 2018. The depth of the earthquake is inverted and exaggerated. See the live demo.

Sketch the city

Taking the sketch edges to extreme: this app takes a WebScene and turns it into a hand-drawn-like scene. See the live demo.

Fire emergency calls

Had a play with visualizing emergency calls density as contour lines of a Kernel Density Surface. See the live demo.

Berlin Palace

An app displaying Berlin Palace in different styles, from realistic to abstract. See the live demo.

Population in USA

An experiment to visualize population in the USA in 3D. Population data from 2017. See the live demo. The app also shows a comparison to a 2D visualization here.

Extruded footprints

Building footprints are extruded based on the height, the color represents the construction year. See the live demo.

Terrain exaggeration

The app where I play with terrain exaggeration. See the live demo.

World globe by Giovanni Cassini

World Globe scanned, georeferenced and published by David Rumsey Map Collection. Live demo

World's biggest cities

Creating a globe with the biggest cities. You can learn how to create a similar globe in this tutorial. Live demo

San Francisco public transport

Distance to public transport stations in San Francisco mapped on buildings. Live demo

Romania in 3D

I wanted to visualize my home town Bucharest in 3D, so I downloaded data from OSM like building footprints and trees and used 3D models of trees and extruded polygons as symbols. In the end, why do this only for Bucharest, when you can visualize entire Romania like this? See the live demo.

WebScene Photobooth

This app uses the screenshot API to take a screenshot of a webscene and apply some filters on it. See the live demo.

Urban population 3D

Yet another population map. In this one I'm setting 3D models of buildings to represent population in cities. See the live demo.

Scene Swiper

This app displays two scenes and allows user to switch between them by swiping. Live demo

Art Galleries in New York

I found a dataset on art galleries in New York and thought it would be fun to map it. Go to the live demo to see what came out of it.