Once you get to the view, it will allow you to access the webscene, layers, layerviews etc.
const view = require("esri/views/View").views.getItemAt(0);
view.map.allLayers.forEach((layer, index) => {
console.log(`${index} -> ${layer.title}`);
Step 1: check that the LayerView gets created
const layer = view.map.allLayers.getItemAt(index);
.then((layerView) => console.log(layerView))
// if there were problems with the layerview, you'll get an error here
Further steps: check that your layer doesnβt have min/maxScale
, is underground etc.
Print it in the console and set it in your app afterwards.
(function() {
const p = view.camera.position;
if (p.spatialReference.isWebMercator || p.spatialReference.isWGS84) {
position: [
heading: ${view.camera.heading.toFixed(2)},
tilt: ${view.camera.tilt.toFixed(2)}
else {
position: {
x: ${p.x.toFixed(5)},
y: ${p.y.toFixed(5)},
z: ${p.z.toFixed(3)},
spatialReference: ${p.spatialReference.wkid}
heading: ${view.camera.heading.toFixed(2)},
tilt: ${view.camera.tilt.toFixed(2)}
// Code from Jesse van den Kieboom
You might need the extent to set a clippingArea on your local view.
(function() {
const e = view.extent;
xmin: ${e.xmin.toFixed(4)},
xmax: ${e.xmax.toFixed(4)},
ymin: ${e.ymin.toFixed(4)},
ymax: ${e.ymax.toFixed(4)},
spatialReference: ${e.spatialReference.wkid}
// Code from Jesse van den Kieboom
// works reliably only with version 4.12
view.watch("updating", (value) => {
const status = value ? "is updating" : "finished updating";
console.log(`View ${status}.`);
Setting the daytime in an app without a widget. Use this code snippet in the console.
view.when(() => {
view.on("key-down", event => {
if (event.key === "ArrowRight") {
let lighting = view.environment.lighting.clone();
lighting.date.setMinutes(lighting.date.getMinutes() + 30);
view.environment.lighting = lighting;
if (event.key === "ArrowLeft") {
let lighting = view.environment.lighting.clone();
lighting.date.setMinutes(lighting.date.getMinutes() - 30);
view.environment.lighting = lighting;